User-Control of Matching




Global Orientation


This examples shows what type of matches are returned when global rotation is ignored.

Matching parameters: DTW, rotational parameterization, full-body area, no global position, no global rotation.


No Global Rotation


Video Description

(in order of appearance)

Full-size video

  1. The query
  2. The  best n-matches, from best to worst.




Avoiding Trivial Matches


Trivial matches are avoided by enforcing a minimum distance between valid matches.

Matching parameters: DTW, rotational parameterization, full-body area, no global position, no global rotation.


No minimum distance enforcement

All matches are slightly shifted version of best match.

With minimum distance enforcement

 Matches are at least 0.8 of length original query apart.

Full-size video

Full-size video

Video Description (in order of appearance):

  1. The query
  2. The  best n-matches, from best to worst.


Keyframe Query


The query does not have to be an existing mocap sequence. It can instead be defined manually as a series of keyframes by the animator.

Matching parameters: LCSS, rotational parameterization, full-body area, no global position, no global rotation.


Keyframe Query Example


Video Description

(in order of appearance)

Full-size video

  1. The query keyframes with the base pose in between.
  2. The query keyframes frozen until next keyframe.
  3. The query keyframes interpolated using spherical cubic interpolation.
  4. The best n-matches to the above interpolated query, from best to worst.




Query Mirroring


A single mirrored query finds symmetric matches.

Matching parameters: LCSS, rotational parameterization, full-body area, no global position, no global rotation.


No query mirroring


With query mirroring

 A better top match is found, which could not have been found without mirroring.

Full-size video

Full-size video

Video Description (in order of appearance):

  1. The query
  2. The  best n-matches, from best to worst.