
Input Sound

Bubble and fume Sounds.

Synthesis Constraints

Source 1  

 One source segment consisting of a fume sound.


Target 1  

 Automatically defined by motion matching algorithm.


Target Motion

A ballet walking motion.


This is an example of semi-automatic constraint definition. Here, we selected a single right leg stepping motion and our motion matching algorithm picked all similar instances in the rest of the motion. There are four in total. We then selected the fume sound from the bubble soundtrack. This sound source was assigned to all our matches.

The result is that for each right leg stepping motion, we get a fume sound by only selecting one sound and one motion.




Self-Similarity Synthesis


Segmented Original Sound

Shows the segmentation boundaries on original sound

Target Motion






Target Motion with New Sound


(top) Shows the old segmented sound along each constraints source segments. (middle) Shows the synthesized sound. (bottom) Shows Constraint targets along with how the origin of the grains in these targets regions.

(top left) Shows the original probabilities for every grain at each instant of the synthesis over time. (top right) Shows how the original propabilities where rescaled according to the weights at that current in the synthesis. (bottom left) Illustrates the difference between the two initial and new probabilities. (bottom right) Shows the target weights for each constraints. The surface represents the final calculated weights for each grain. The final weights assigned to each grain depends on wether it satisfies or not the current constraint targets. A weight of zero means that it-s original probability is left unchanged. Shows the target weights for each constraints. The surface represents the final calculated weights for each grain. The final weights assigned to each grain depends on wether it satisfies or not the current constraint targets. A weight of zero means that it-s original probability is left unchanged. Shows which grains were excluded from the synthesis from a hard -1 constraint. Shows which grains were hard included in the synthesis from a hard 1 constraint.